Academic Load
A full-time undergraduate student must register for 12 to 18 academic hours each semester. The average load is 15 hours. A student completing an average of 15 hours may finish some baccalaureate degrees in eight semesters. A student with a 3.0 GPA or higher may petition to register for an overload, not to exceed a maximum of 21 hours per semester. To enroll in an academic overload, the student must file an Academic Appeal, following the Academic Appeal procedure.
Students may enroll in a maximum of two courses for a maximum of seven semester hours in each grading period of the Summer semester. Summer grading periods include May term, Summer I, Summer II, Full Summer, A Term, B Term, and accelerated terms. Students may not enroll in classes that overlap any time periods during any of the grading periods. Total hours for the Summer semester may not exceed 18 semester credit hours.
For the purpose of determining full-time enrollment in graduate programs, a minimum of six hours is required during each semester. Graduate students may take up to 12 hours per semester, additional hours would require an academic appeal for overload.