2021-2022 Catalog

Refund Drop Policy

When a student decreases the number of hours attempted during a term, a refund may be calculated based upon the official drop date as presented to the Registrar’s Office. Credits are based on the tuition charge, not the amount paid. If the student is receiving financial assistance, credits will be returned to the financial aid accounts, including lenders of student loans, before any money is returned to the student.

Withdrawals from school for any reason during any term must be made by official notification to the Registrar’s Office. Failure to attend classes does not cancel enrollment.

The federal refund calculation policy will be used for students who have attended classes at Cumberland University and are receiving Title IV financial assistance. Withdrawals after the first day of classes will be calculated based on the number of days the student completes in the enrollment period. Withdrawal will be effective from the date which formal application for withdrawal is filed with the Registrar.

Refund or credit on account for residence hall fees after registration will be granted on a pro-rata basis when the student withdraws from the residence hall for a personal medical reason confirmed by a licensed physician, or at the request of Cumberland University management personnel for other than disciplinary reasons. No refund will be made other than under the above circumstances.