Admission requirements for medical school vary from school to school. The prerequisites for the University of Tennessee (UT) Medical School includes one year of English (ENG 101, ENG 102), one year of biology (BIO 111, BIO 113), one year of physics (PHY 201, PHY 202 or PHY 210, PHY 211), two years of chemistry (CHEM 111, CHEM 112, CHEM 311, CHEM 312), and 52 hours of electives. Two semesters of biochemistry are also strongly recommended (BIO 400/CHEM 400 and BIO 422/CHEM 422) as well as at least one semester of Psychology (PSY 201) and Sociology (SOC 221). The electives should provide a broad, cultural background and relate to medical preparation. These requirements can be met in a variety of programs which lead to an undergraduate degree. Recommended courses include Biochemistry, Psychology, Sociology, Cell Biology, Genetics, Immunology, and Microbiology. Even though the admission requirements can be completed in less than four years, it is rare for students to be accepted prior to the completion of an undergraduate degree. Students considered for admission should have a 3.7 overall grade point average (GPA). In addition, extracurricular activities and leadership roles are important. Volunteering or jobs in the health profession are highly recommended. Students should register for the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) online in the spring of their junior year. Admission to medical school is very competitive. Satisfactory completion of all pre-medical requirements does not guarantee admission to medical school.