2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog

Financial Assistance Probation

Students who fail to meet any of the satisfactory academic progress standards will be placed on financial assistance warning for their next term of enrollment. Students on academic probation are automatically on financial assistance warning.

A student on financial assistance warning who fails to meet the standards of progress in his/her probation term of enrollment will not be able to receive additional financial assistance until such time as he/she meets the standards for removal from financial assistance probation. All awards are subject to cancellation if the recipient is negligent in performing duties, careless in conduct, or fails to comply fully with the policies of the University.

Students placed on financial assistance probation or removed from financial assistance may appeal that decision to the Director of Student Financial Services. The appeal must be prepared in writing. Reasons for consideration include the following: (1) serious illness or accident to the student (will normally require a medical statement from a physician); or (2) death, serious illness, or injury in the immediate family. Other extenuating circumstances may be acceptable and will be considered by the University.