2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog

PE 434 Health & Physical Education in Elementary Schools

This course is designed to produce confident and competent elementary school physical education teachers. In contrast to HPER 424m which focuses on "how" to teach, this course focuses primarily on "what" to teach in the elementary school. It is intended to provide an understanding of "the skill theme approach" to children's physical education curriculum based on skill themes, movement concepts and generic levels of skill proficiency. Emphasis will be placed on developing an applied understanding of the curricular concepts through: reading, lecture/discussion, movement, self-appraisal, reflection, and teaching children. Students will spend a significant amount of time creating developmentally appropriate lesson plans and delivering lessons through peer teaching in a local school utilizing effective teaching behaviors as presented in HPER 424. Includes field experience.




HHP 424 and admission into Teacher Education Program including fingerprints

