2018-2019 Catalog


Students interested in pursuing a career in engineering should obtain a generous undergraduate background in mathematics and science. Recommended undergraduate majors include Mathematics, Biochemistry, and Biology. It is highly recommended that an entering student choosing this path have credit for, or place out of, College Algebra (MATH 111) so that the student can start Calculus I (MATH 121) in the fall of the freshmen year. Course requirements for acceptance into graduate engineering programs or for direct entry into industry vary, but most require a minimum of Calculus I (MATH 121), Calculus II (MATH 122), Calculus III (MATH 221), Differential Equations (MATH 329), Linear Algebra (MATH 250), General Physics (PHY 210 and 211), and General Chemistry (CHEM 111 and CHEM 112).  Additional courses needed depend upon the students particular engineering interest, e. g., Mechanical, Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Aerospace, Environmental, etc.

All Cumberland University students interested in graduate school or employment in industry have the opportunity to work with a pre-engineering advisor, who is a full-time faculty member. Together they select a major that reflects the student’s personal interests and that provides challenging course work to prepare the student to compete successfully in graduate school.