Academic Appeals
Petitions or exceptions to the academic policies of the University must be submitted in writing to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. The appeal should be reviewed and signed by the students academic advisor and the School Dean in charge of the student’s major before the Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs will review it. The petition should indicate the reason(s) why a policy that applies to all University students should be waived or modified for the petitioner. The responsibility for presenting appropriate reasoning rests with the student. The Academic Appeal form is available in the Office of the University Registrar (MH-107).
- The student filing the appeal should write a letter describing what specifically they are requesting to appeal.
- The student filing the appeal is responsible for ensuring that all required attachments and signatures are secured.
- The student is to maintain possession of this document and all attachments. DO NOT leave the form with an Advisor or Dean.
- Once all documents and signatures have been obtained, bring the appeal form to the Office of the Registrar to be reviewed by the Vice President for Academic Affairs. You will be notified in writing of the outcome of your appeal.
The Academic Appeal form is the manner in which you would request the following:
Catalog Change
Course Overload
Course Substitution
Course Waiver
Directed Study
Permission for Graduate Course
Transient Permission