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2020-2021 Catalog
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Programs of Study
2020-2021 Academic Calendar
General Information
Admissions/Enrollment Services
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Academic Affairs
The Doris and Harry Vise Library
Edward A. Labry School of Science, Technology, and Business
The Jeanette Cantrell Rudy School of Nursing & Health Professions
School of Humanities, Education, and the Arts
Intercollegiate Athletics
AC - Athletic Coaching
ACC - Accounting
ANTH - Anthropology
ART - Art
AS Arts Sciences
ASTR - Astronomy
AT - Athletic Training
BIO - Biology
BUA - Business
CAI - Computer Analytics and Informatics
CHEM - Chemistry
CIS - Computer Information Systems
CIW - Creative and Imaginative Writing
COM - Communication
CRJ - Criminal Justice
CST - Computational Science and Technology
ECON - Economics
ED - Education
ENG - English
ENGR - Engineering
EVS - Environmental Science
EXSS - Exercise and Sport Science
FA - Fine Arts
FIN - Finance
FSL - Foundations of Scholarship and Learning
FRE - French
GEOG - Geography
HCA - Health Care Administration
HIS - History
IDS - Interdisciplinary Studies
IT - Information Technology
LEAD - Leadership
MATH - Mathematics
MGT - Management
MI - Music Industry Management
MKT - Marketing
MU - Music
NUR - Nursing
ONL - Online Learning
PBADM - Public Administration
PE - Physical Education
PHIL - Philosophy
PHY - Physics
POLSC - Political Science
PS - Physical Science
PSY - Psychology
REL - Religion
SCI - Science
SM - Sport Management
SOC - Sociology
SPAN - Spanish
SPE - Special Education
SPEE - Speech
TELE - Telecommunications
TELE 001
TELE 002
TELE 003
TELE 004
TELE 005
TELE 006
TELE 007
TELE 008
TELE 009
TELE 010
TELE 011
TELE 012
TELE 013
TELE 014
TELE 015
TELE 016
TELE 017
TELE 018
TELE 019
TELE 020
TELE 021
TELE 022
TELE 023
TELE 024
THR - Theatre
ART - Master of Arts in Fine Arts (Art)
FA - Master of Arts in Fine Arts (Fine Arts)
MAE - Master of Arts in Education
MAT - Master of Art in Teaching
MBA - Master of Business Administration
MEd - Master of Education
MSES - Master of Sport and Exercise Science
MSN - Master of Science in Nursing
MSP - Master of Public Service Management
MU - Master of Arts (Music)
PE - Physical Education (Graduate)
SM - Sport Management (Graduate)
SPE - Special Education (Graduate)
THR - Master of Arts (Theatre)
Administration, Faculty, and Staff - Fall 2020 Semester
Administration, Faculty, and Staff - Spring 2021 Semester
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2020-2021 Catalog
TELE - Telecommunications
> TELE 015
TELE 015
Tower Lighting/FAA Compliance
Introduces the student to Tower Lighting and FAA Compliance. Topics include various lighting systems and troubleshooting methods; FAA regulations regarding tower lighting. 8 Clock hours