Letter from the Director of Athletics
Dear Student‐Athlete:
Thank you for choosing to represent Cumberland University. It is our goal that you leave here, with championship rings on one hand and a diploma in the other.
We are expecting another year of success academically as well as athletically as we embark on our thirty six year in the NAIA. Student‐athletes have a great responsibility to represent the University in the community as well as in the national arena. Student‐athletes are a vital part of promoting pride in CU through exemplary performance in three areas: the classroom, competition and the surrounding community.
The entire Cumberland community looks to student‐athletes as role models. Always remember that your behavior is a direct reflection of what this University stands for.
Each of you has been given the opportunity to continue your athletic career at the next level and we are grateful for that. With the honor of playing come obligations for academics and responsibilities for behavior. Cumberland University, the Mid‐South Conference, the entire NAIA seeks to develop well‐rounded student‐athletes who realize the priorities of collegiate athletics. Each of you must be committed to success in every part of life while also positively promoting this institution through competitiveness and good sportsmanship.
Everyone involved in the Athletic Department congratulates you on all of your academic, athletic and personal accomplishments. Cumberland University has 178 years of history and pride. We will continue to support and help you progress throughout your collegiate career. I am proud to be and proud to have you as a member of the Phoenix family!
We understand that tornado and COVID-19 have changed us but we must have agility and overcome these obstacles like the Phoenix we will continue to rise above.
Good luck in the coming year and Go Phoenix! Agility!

Ron Pavan
Director of Athletics
Cumberland University