Major - A major field of study should be selected as early as possible. A major must be declared before the senior year. Each major consists of a minimum of 30 semester hours in a chosen area of specialization. The total number of hours may vary with the specialization area chosen.
Face-to-Face (in-seat) Course - A Face-to-Face (in-seat) course is a traditional academic course interface in which the faculty and students primarily meet, engage and interact at the scheduled course time in each other’s presence. This type of course interface can be enhanced by web based content, electronic course management systems or other electronic based technology, but such technology does not exceed 24% of the faculty-student contact hours for the course.
Hybrid Course - A Hybrid (blended) course is an academic course interface in which some traditional face-to-face (in-seat) time has been replaced by a mode of distance learning (i.e. course management system, web based content, online learning activity, or other electronic based technology). A hybrid course is designed to integrate face-to-face and distance learning activities so that they reinforce, complement and enrich one another to best engage the students in learning. This course interface has 25%-74% of the course contact hours delivered by one or more modes of distance learning and at least 25% of the course contact hours delivered in the traditional face-to-face mode.
Distance Learning Course - A Distance Learning course is an academic course interface in which the course interactions between faculty and students are primarily at a distance from one another, rather than in each other’s presence. A distance learning course utilizes a means of distance learning as the principal mode of interaction between faculty to students and student to student. It may utilize course management systems, web based content, online learning activity, video conferencing, chat room and/or other electronic based technology. This course interface has 75%-100% of the contact hours for the course delivered by distance learning.