
UNIV--114 Political Activities Policy



Document Number:  UNIV--114
Revision #: 1.0
Document Owner: Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Date Last Updated: 08/16/2024
Date Originally Created:  09/29/2020
General Description

Introduction and Purpose of this Policy

Cumberland University believes that freedom of speech and freedom of expression on its campus is essential to fulfilling the educational mission of the institution. Like many other institutions of higher learning, Cumberland has adopted the guidelines commonly referred to as the Chicago Principles that outline these freedoms.

In keeping with the principles, Cumberland University is committed to the full, open, and civil discussion of a broad range of ideas, perspectives, and opinions and encourages members of the university community to be active and engaged citizens, to express political views, to exercise their right to vote, and to participate in the electoral process.

However, as a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, Cumberland University is prohibited from directly or indirectly, verbally or in writing,  participating or intervening in any political campaign on behalf of, or in opposition to, any candidate for elective public office. The prohibition applies to all campaigns, including campaigns at the federal, state, and local level. Violations of our stipulated policy on political activity and lobbying could result in the University losing its tax-exempt status.

It is important to remember that the prohibition on political campaign activity applies only to the University, not to the activities of individual members of the university community in their private capacities. The prohibition on political activity is not intended to restrict free expression on political matters by campus community members as individuals independent of their formal roles and responsibilities at the University. Similarly, the prohibition on political campaign activity does not prohibit the University from having contact with individuals who are candidates for public office.

Policy Statement


It is the policy of Cumberland University that political activity by campus community members, as individuals, should be encouraged. Moreover, every individual associated with Cumberland University has the right to organize and to join political associations and to advocate and publicize political opinions.

Individual political activities of campus community members, including campaigning for candidates, must be kept separate and distinct from actions taken by such community members for or on behalf of the University.

Because of statutory restrictions placed on Section 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organizations, however, Cumberland University may not engage in political activity and university resources may not be used in any way to suggest university endorsement or support of, or opposition to, any candidate for elective public office or any political party.

More specifically:

  • Employees of the University (faculty and/or staff) may not under any circumstances represent that any political candidate, political party or partisan activity has the official or unofficial support or endorsement of Cumberland University.
  • Employees may speak and act as individual citizens but must not say or imply that their views are the views of the University.
  • Employees should only use personal email, social media or other online accounts (not associated with Cumberland.edu accounts) for the distribution of campaign messages, petitions, or other campaign materials.
  • Employees of the University may not engage in political activity while performing his or her assigned university duties or while on university property in any official capacity.
  • Members of the university community (faculty, staff, and students) may not conduct any type of political fundraising while on campus or through the use of university resources.
  • Campaign signs and banners promoting a political candidate may not be placed on University property. This prohibition does not extend to personal vehicles or personal rooms within the residence halls. Signs and banners may not be placed in residence hall windows.



The University is required as a participant in Title IV Federal student aid programs to "make a good faith effort to distribute a mail voter registration form, requested and received from the State, to each student enrolled in a degree or cerificate and physically in attendance at the institution, and to make such forms widely available to student at the instituion."

Members of the university community are allowed to conduct and/or host voter education and voter registration events on campus as long as the event is conducted in an unbiased and non-partisan manner that does not favor or oppose one or more candidates.

Voter education events include, but are not limited to, candidate forums and debates. During such events, each candidate must receive an equal opportunity to present their views on the issues discussed.

If one candidate is invited to appear on campus, all other legally qualified candidates seeking the same office must be offered an equal opportunity to participate, whether at the same event or at subsequent events.



The University is permitted to engage in some lobbying, and to encourage others to do so, up to certain limits with no risk to its tax-exempt status. Because of these limits and IRS reporting requirements for lobbying, the President, with appropriate consultation with the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, must approve all lobbying on behalf of Cumberland University.




Subject to availability, Cumberland University does make available certain spaces on campus to external groups and the general public. A rental fee is charged for the use of these spaces. External groups wishing to rent any Cumberland University facilities for political purposes must follow the conditions set forth in the policy outlined above.