Master of Science in Athletic Training
The Athletic Training Program is designed to prepare candidates for the exciting profession of athletic training by preparing them to pass the Board of Certification (BOC) Examination. Athletic trainers are healthcare professionals who collaborate with physicians to optimize activity and participation of the physically active. The program consists of various academic and clinical experiences. Athletic training candidates are exposed to numerous academic challenges and are involved in the daily delivery of healthcare to intercollegiate patients, high school patients, and other physically active individuals as part of the clinical component of the program. This hands-on experience will better enable candidates to complete clinical competencies and give them the opportunity to expand the concepts learned in the classroom. These experiences include practice and game coverage, injury evaluation and treatment, implementing injury prevention techniques, as well as designing and implementing long-term rehabilitation and conditioning programs.
This degree is for students who hold a bachelor's degree (not in Athletic Training) and have completed required prerequisite courses for the Athletic Training Program. This is a 5 semester program (fall, spring, summer, fall, spring) totaling 61 credit hours.
Degree Requirements
Requirements List
AT 5310 | Therapeutic Intervention I | 2 |
AT 5320 | Therapeutic Intervention II | 3 |
AT 5410 | Lower Extremity Injury Assessment | 3 |
AT 5420 | Upper Extremity Injury Assessment | 3 |
AT 5430 | Head, Spine, and Thorax Assessment | 3 |
AT 5510 | Clinical Experience I | 3 |
AT 5520 | Clinical Experience II | 3 |
AT 5530 | Immersion Clinical Experience | 3 |
AT 5610 | Managing Medical Emergencies | 2 |
AT 6310 | Therapeutic Intervention III | 3 |
AT 6510 | Clinical Experience III | 3 |
AT 6520 | Clinical Experience IV | 3 |
AT 6610 | General Medical Conditions | 3 |
AT 6620 | Pathophysiology and Pharmacology | 2 |
AT 6630 | Contemporary Issues in Athletic Training | 3 |
AT 6640 | Organization of Administration | 3 |
AT 6950 | Capstone in Athletic Training | 1 |
MSES 5650 | Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Strength & Power Conditioning | 3 |
MSES 5679 | Applied Psychology in Human Performance | 3 |
MSES 5980 | Research Methods | 3 |
MSES 5990 | Quantitative Methods | 3 |
MSES 5998 | Graduate Project | 3 |
| or | |
MSES 5999 | Thesis | 3 |
Minimum of 61 hours required for graduation.